Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Garden Update

I am so impressed with my cherry tomato's, They are still producing and have many green ones budding

These are two of my early girls. They get planted after the first frost, and usually produce until the heat gets them in late July. I played a trick on them and gave them shade since mid June, and they are still putting out tomatoes
My green peppers got off to a slow start, but I used seeds, and not seedlings to grow them. When they did start, they shot up fast, about 3 1/2 feet tall and peppers sprouted everywhere. I had to use some bean stakes and tie them because they were so top heavy. I'm glad they started, because green peppers around here are about $2 dollars each
My watermelons are doing great. I have started using my drip hose around the base of the plant so they will expand and be super juicy.
And finally, my cantaloupes are starting to skin over and swell. I have 4 vining plants, and about 8 melons on each vine. I have a drip hose around the base of these as well, and you can tell the difference when you slice it open.
Hope you guys are having a great garden this year !


Laurie said...

Oh man, i miss having a garden, so much. Well I hope one day soon we will again.
Like your pictures, they bring back so many memories.

Hailey's Beats and Bits said...

boy. oh boy. how i wish i can grow these too. under my "brown" thumb plants die!


Ahh, Tomatoes. I really miss home grown tomatoes. Gardens don't do well in Tucson, except cactus gardens.